I know everyone has weird parents, and I am quite sure that mine are no worse than anyone else's. In fact I know that they were very good to me growing up, I am my father's oldest child (that we know of). I am my mothers youngest (we are sure). Today was my mother's favorite holiday, and who outside of PA, loves groundhog day. I love my mom, so I made her favorite dinner, fried chicken and potato salad. I also made a cake shaped like a groundhog. Actually it was a Winnie the pooh cake pan but I cut off pooh's ears and you could hardly tell the difference. I made this grayish brown frosting, that isn't too appetizing but on a groundhog it worked. She loved it. Now for my dad, my friends love my dad. For reasons I don't wish to go into here, he is like their guru. I love my dad, but he also has his, um, quirks. He has a girlfriend who is the same age as my sister's first husband. They have three kids together, two boys and a two year girl. My dad had a quadruple bypass, right before my little sister was born. My father has interesting timing. He also has a son, that was born before my parents were broken up, (sore spot for me). My dad's girlfriend also has three kids of her own, the oldest has two of her own. So my stepsister had her son six months after my little sister was born. So with the heart issues and the babies, my father lost a lot of weight. Not that he was huge, but you know, he was big. He doesn't buy new clothes, he once found a jean jacket that was left in a truck that hadn't been driven in months, it was so full of holes it didn't have any cuffs, but he put it on and it was back in wardrobe. So after this weight loss, he has to find ways to keep his pants up. I was with them a few months ago, and I noticed that my father had tied a bandana to the beltloops on the back of his pants to keep them up. Well, we are Indian and most Indians are NOT know for their large butts, and my father is no exception. Not only he is Indian but he was a union electrician, union men are known for the amount of butt crack they show. I think my little brothers are going to end up joining a union.